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Roadside Rest Areas in Victoria

Kiata Rest area

Pattison's Rest Area

Gravel Pit

Northbound Road Stopping Area


Gravel Pull Off

Gravel Pit

Rest area Bay

Rest Stop And Toilets

Old Officer Weighbridge

Simpsons Creek Gravel Dump

Rest Area beside bridge

Rest Area

Eucalyptus Planting Area

Above Cutting

Pirron Yallock Rest Stop (West Bound)

Lake Nillhacootie

Mokoan Rest Area South

Edi Rest Area

Cullulleraine West RA: 32ks W of Cullul

Merrinee Nth RA: 22ks E of Cullullera

Hattah North Rest Area

Weman Rest Area

Ironbark Rest Area

Chiltern Park Rest Area

Under Overpass Next To Rail

Teddywaddy Rest Area

Rest Area Wood Wood

Lake Mundi Rest Stop

Dartmoor : (Nine Mile) Overnight Rest Area

Rest Stop

Loddon Vale Rest Area

Snowy River Roadside Rest Area 6

Mokoan Rest Stop Northbound

Yackandandah North Rest Area

Tallangatta Creek Rest Area

Nalinga West Rest Area

Snowy River Roadside Rest Area 2

Beveridge Rest Area Northbound

Border Overnight

Oasis Rest Stop

Nagambie Rest Area

Brightlight Saddle Rest Area

Snowy River Roadside Rest Area 7

Taungurung Country Rest Area

Bourkes Bridge Rest Area.

Wandong Roadside Stop (Southbound)

Benalla Parking Bay Southbound

Benalla Parking Bay Northbound

Casey's Weir Rest Area

Apsley Rest Area

Calder - Woodburn Rest Area - Arcadia

Yuppeckiar Park Rest Area

Side Rest

Lawloit Rest Area

Hattah South RA

Dimboola Lochiel Rest Area

Ravenswood Service Station & Rest Area

Snowy River Roadside Rest Area 3

Pullover With Parking And Drive Through Lane

Drummer Rest Area

Underbool Rest Area Campground

Burnt Bridge Rest Area

Winap truck Rest Stop

Murrungowar Rest Area

Cathcart Rest Area

Bears Lagoon Rest Area

Wills Bend Sandbar No2

Castella Central Park

Bunyip River Rest Area

Hospital Creek Rest Area

Balmattum Rest Area Northbound Only

Brew Road Rest Area

Grasstree Northbound Rest Area

Logan Pub & Rest Area

Toll Bar Rest Area

Bowmans Rest Area

Piangil Rest Area.

Wangaratta RA Southbound

Maindample Roadside Stop

Merrinee West Gravel Pit

Road Side Stop

Beau Morton Park Rest Area

Jack Richards Park Rest Area

Canadian Gully Bushland Reserve Rest Area

Pirron Yallock Rest Area (East Bound)

Wandong Rest Area

BP Nhill Road House

Briggs Bridge

Koriella Roadside Rest Area

Large Gravel Pit & Rest Stop - Mitta Mitta

Ledcourt Rest Area

Rest Area

Browns Plains Rest Area

Benton's Hill North Bound Rest Stop

Rest Area

Rest Area

Roadside stop

Lexton. Bet Bet Creek Rest Area

Bentons Hill Rest Area South Bound

Golton Rest Area

Snowy River Roadside Rest Area 4

Tambo River Info Board & Toilets

Rest area

Rest/Picnic Area

Reedy Lake RV Rest Area & Apex Park

Wangaratta RA Northbound

Langi Ghiran Rest Area

Argall Rest Area

Geelong South East Bound Rest Area

Rest Area

Euroa Southbound Rest Area

Homewood Site Rest Area

Rest stop

Rest Area Pull Over

Lake Bolac Rest Area

Parking Pull Off

Bannerton Gravel Pit

Rest Area

Roadside Pullover

Nillhacootie Lake

Deep Creek Rest Area

Colac Driver Reviver

Dixons Camp

Bet Bet Rec Reserve

Power Nap Area

Gravel Pit

Goulburn River-Kerisdale Roadside Stop

Coach Road Rest Area South Bound

Traralgon West Rest Area

Rest Area

Gravel Pit on Partellis Crossing Rd

Gravel Pit

Gravel Pit

Lay By

Gravel Site

Gravel Pit

Main Road Camp

Rest Area

Tolmer Reserve Border Stop

Snowy River Roadside Rest Area 5

Longwarry Nth RA (Westbound)

Serviceton Rest Area

Road Side Stop, East Strathmerton

Wreck Track Gravel Pit

old Gibbs town



Restarea good for sleep


Roadside Rest

hills end

Pink Lake Rest Area

pakenham South Hall

Eastern view 2

Gravel pit

BP fuel stop

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